Jan 11, 2024

How to hash in RUST?


  • Setup your Rust environment
  • Add sha3 to your Cargo.toml
  • Compute sha3
  • Complete code

I. Setup your RUST environment

cargo new hash_example
cd hash_example

II. Add crates: sha3 as a dependency

sha3 = "0.10"

III. sha3_hash.rs

use sha3::Sha3_256;
use digest::Digest;

pub fn compute_sha3(input: &str) -> String {
let mut hasher = Sha3_256::new();
let result = hasher.finalize();
format!("{:x}", result)

IV. main.rs

mod sha3_hash;

fn main() {
let input = "hello world";

let sha3_result = sha3_hash::compute_sha3(input);
println!("SHA3-256 hash of '{}': {}", input, sha3_result);


You can find complete code at:


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