Uniswap 4.0
Notable features:
- A time-weighted average market maker
- Singleton Design
- Hooks
- Non Upgradeable
- Onchain limit orders
- Depositing out-of-range liquidity into lending protocols
- Autocompounded LP fees back into the LP positions
- Better Gas optimization
- Customizable
- Developer friendly
- Super Generic
Uniswap V3 Context
Uniswap V4
PoolManager Contract:
Contract Inheritance:
- Inherits from IPoolManager, Fees, NoDelegateCall, and Claims.
- MAX_TICK_SPACING and MIN_TICK_SPACING used for valid tick spacing in pools.
State Variables:
- currencyDelta: Tracks net currency amounts for lockers.
- reservesOf: Tracks currency reserves.
- pools: Mapping of pool IDs to their states.
- Initializes with a gas limit for the controller, passed to Fees.
Pool Management Functions:
- _getPool: Private function to retrieve pool state.
- initialize: Sets up a pool with parameters, checks validity, and calls hook functions if defined.
- lock: Allows locker actions, settles currency balances at lock end.
- modifyPosition: Adjusts liquidity, handles fees for LPs.
- swap: Executes token swaps within a pool, updates balances and fees.
- donate: Adds liquidity to a pool without receiving tokens.
- take, settle, mint, burn: Manage pool reserves and balances.
Fee Management:
- Functions to update protocol, hook, and swap fees.
External Storage Loading:
- Functions extsload read storage slots directly for off-chain use.
Locking Mechanism:
- Manages and queries the locking mechanism to ensure atomic actions.
Fallback Function:
- receive function to accept native tokens for relevant pools.
Security Considerations:
- Uses noDelegateCall modifier to prevent delegate calls.
- Locking mechanism prevents reentrancy with onlyByLocker modifier.
- Uses unchecked blocks for arithmetic (be cautious of overflow/underflow).
- Hooks and callbacks add complexity; return values are checked for expected selectors.
- initialize prevents invalid pool configurations.
- Emits events for transparency and off-chain monitoring.
State-Changing Functions in PoolManager Contract
- initialize: Initializes a pool, potentially changing state variables.
- lock: Allows locker actions, settles currency balances at the end, altering state.
- _accountDelta: Potentially modifies account currency deltas.
- _accountPoolBalanceDelta: Alters account pool balance deltas, affecting state.
- modifyPosition: Changes liquidity provider positions, adjusts liquidity, handles fees.
- swap: Executes token swaps within a pool, updating balances and fees, affecting state.
- donate: Adds liquidity to a pool without receiving tokens, potentially altering state.
- take, settle, mint, burn: Manage pool reserves and balances, changing the state.
- setProtocolFees: Updates protocol fees, potentially changing contract behavior.
- setHookFees: Alters hook fees, potentially impacting transaction fees.
- updateDynamicSwapFee: Updates dynamic swap fees for trades, affecting state.
Additional State Change:
- receive Function: Receives native tokens (e.g., ETH), changing the contract's balance.
Fees Contract Overview
Constants and State Variables:
- MIN_PROTOCOL_FEE_DENOMINATOR: Sets the minimum denominator for protocol fees.
- MAX_SWAP_FEE: Defines the maximum allowed swap fee.
- protocolFeesAccrued: Tracks accrued protocol fees per currency.
- hookFeesAccrued: Tracks accrued hook fees per currency and hook address.
- protocolFeeController: Manages protocol fees.
- controllerGasLimit: Immutable gas limit for calls to the protocol fee controller.
- Sets controllerGasLimit on contract deployment.
Fee Fetching Functions:
- _fetchProtocolFees: Retrieves protocol fees for a pool, performs gas checks, and validates fees.
- _fetchHookFees: Retrieves hook fees for a pool based on mask and hook conditions.
- _fetchDynamicSwapFee: Retrieves dynamic swap fee for a pool, reverts if fee is too large.
Fee Checking Function:
- _checkProtocolFee: Ensures fee is not below MIN_PROTOCOL_FEE_DENOMINATOR unless zero.
Protocol Fee Controller Management:
- setProtocolFeeController: Allows owner to set the protocol fee controller.
Fee Collection Functions:
- collectProtocolFees: Allows owner or protocol fee controller to collect accrued protocol fees for a currency.
- collectHookFees: Allows a hook to collect accrued hook fees for a currency.
Security Considerations:
- Uses Solidity ^0.8.x with built-in overflow checks, reducing arithmetic vulnerabilities.
- try/catch blocks in fee-fetching functions prevent revert on external call failure, but may cause unexpected behavior.
- controllerGasLimit must be carefully set to avoid EIP-150's 63/64 rule causing out-of-gas errors.
- collectProtocolFees and collectHookFees have checks for authorized addresses, promoting security.
- collectHookFees allowing recipient set to hook address for zero address could be a feature or potential vulnerability.
- Emits an event when protocol fee controller updates, enhancing transparency.
- Incomplete implementation of IFees interface due to abstract nature. Full implementation review necessary for security.
Overall, while the contract structure seems robust, a thorough security audit should encompass all external contracts, libraries, and system-wide checks for vulnerabilities or logical errors.
State-Changing Functions
setProtocolFeeController(IProtocolFeeController controller):
- Sets the protocol fee controller to a new address.
- Accessible only by the owner of the contract.
collectProtocolFees(address recipient, Currency currency, uint256 amount):
- Collects accrued protocol fees for a given currency and transfers them to a specified recipient.
- Accessible by the owner or the protocol fee controller.
collectHookFees(address recipient, Currency currency, uint256 amount):
- Collects accrued hook fees for a given currency and transfers them to a specified recipient.
- Accessible by any hook address that has accrued fees.
Claims Contract Functionality
- balances: Private mapping tracking each account's currency balance.
- balanceOf: Public view function returning the balance of a specified currency for an account.
- transfer: Public function allowing currency transfer between accounts after checking recipient and sender conditions. Deducts from sender and adds to recipient, emitting a Transfer event.
- _mint: Internal function increasing currency balance for an account and emitting a Mint event, callable only within the contract or derived contracts.
- _burn: Internal function decreasing currency balance for the message sender and emitting a Burn event, provided sender has sufficient balance.
Security Considerations:
- transfer function lacks zero address check for the recipient but prevents sending to the contract's address, potentially a design choice.
- Uses unchecked block in transfer function for balance subtraction after ensuring sufficient balance, optimizing gas.
- _mint and _burn are internal, accessible only to the contract or derived contracts, preventing external minting/burning.
- No access control for _mint function, advisable to restrict minting privileges for security.
- Emits events for Transfer, Mint, and Burn operations, enhancing transparency.
- The use of a custom Currency type and its associated library could impact contract security, warranting a thorough review.
- Non-compliance with ERC-20 standard might affect compatibility with wallets/interfaces.
- Specifies BUSL-1.1 license, impacting legal compliance and usage terms.
Overall, the contract seems a basic implementation of a multi-currency token system. However, a comprehensive security audit should cover Currency type, CurrencyLibrary, IClaims interface, and other interacting contracts. Also, context like governance mechanisms and administrative functions influencing minting/burning should be considered.
State-Changing Functions in Claims Contract:
- transfer: Modifies the balances mapping by transferring a specified amount of currency from the sender to the recipient.
- _mint: Increases the balance of a particular currency for a specified address in the balances mapping.
- _burn: Decreases the balance of a specific currency for the message sender in the balances mapping.
- You can get these images here:
- https://github.com/Nepalichhoro/big-hustler-defi-hub