Dec 20, 2023

Solana Onboarding via Anchor Framework for Rust Developers

Install Rust and Cargo

  • To be able to compile Rust based Solana programs, install the Rust language and Cargo (the Rust package manager) using Rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Install the Solana CLI

  • Install the Solana CLI tool running command
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

Run your localhost validator

  • The Solana CLI comes with the test validator built in. This command line tool will allow you to run a full blockchain cluster on your machine.

Configure your Solana CLI to use your localhost validator for all your future terminal commands and Solana program deployment:

solana config set --url localhost

Install Anchor

  • Anchor is a framework for Solana development. It is quite similar to hardhat in many respects.
cargo install --git avm --locked --force
avm install latest
avm use latest

Create a new Rust library with Anchor

  • Solana programs written in Rust are libraries which are compiled to BPF bytecode and saved in the .so format.

Initialize a new Rust library named hello_world via the Cargo command line:

anchor init hello_world_anchor
cd hello_world_anchor
anchor build

Sync program_id with the anchor key and run test

anchor keys sync
anchor test --skip-local-validator

Create your first Anchor program

The code for your Anchor based Solana program will live in your src/ file. Inside src/ you will be able to import your Rust crates and define your logic. Open your src/ file in your favorite editor.

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod day_1 {
use super::*;

pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
msg!("Hello, world!");

pub struct Initialize {}

Build your Anchor program

Inside a terminal window, you can build your Solana Rust program by running in the root of your project (i.e. the directory with your Cargo.toml file):

anchor build

Example log output

Streaming transaction logs mentioning EL3zioyKuHaox1ra3PzKKjKvdNtMHh71paufgkYYPr5V. Confirmed commitment
Transaction executed in slot 33867:
Signature: K3bNBFm5WXroHKLSPAvciwcshr1c8oxYprEoBEppsDK1avS9CWPomVSWM1gWRkX4XeftWEaLdvfnmpf91xB4jxq
Status: Ok
Log Messages:
Program EL3zioyKuHaox1ra3PzKKjKvdNtMHh71paufgkYYPr5V invoke [1]
Program log: Instruction: Initialize
Program log: Hello, world!
Program EL3zioyKuHaox1ra3PzKKjKvdNtMHh71paufgkYYPr5V consumed 323 of 200000 compute units
Program EL3zioyKuHaox1ra3PzKKjKvdNtMHh71paufgkYYPr5V success


If you run into rustup toolchain related issue then please uninstall rust using brew and proceed with curl link

Also while deploying, if you are reminded of not having enough fund then run solana airdrop <desired_amount>

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